Comunicato e foto di Assemblea Permanente Spedalieri Catania, martedì 8 novembre 2022 Lo Spedalieri è in stato di agitazione!  Noi studentesse e studenti del liceo Spedalieri di Catania assistiamo inorriditi all’inumano trattamento riservato dal governo del nostro Paese ai naufraghi portati in salvo dalle navi Humanity 1 e Geo Barents.  Ciò che sta avvenendo al […]

di Sergio Attanasio The destinies of Lebanon, Palestine and Israel seem so closely linked that thinking about the vicissitudes of the Crusades, and the Crusader Christian kingdoms, is almost automatic. Although the Nakba (Catastrophe) displaced more than 700,000 Palestinians (about the Arab population of pre-war Palestine) and scattered refugees throughout the Arab world, Lebanon more […]

di Sergio Attanasio The small Italian island of Lampedusa has two faces. Accordingly, the first one concerns wintertime: fishing, heavy winds, and empty beaches. The second concerns mass tourism, overbooked fish restaurants and boat parties. What do these two sides have in common? The answer is simple as it goes: migratory crisis  Even if cold […]